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The Sydney Morning Herald: Australia Day & How alcohol and heat will impact your body

During the Australia Day weekend, many people will be looking forward to a drink– or two.
But with a heatwave expected in parts of NSW (and elsewhere), it’s best to be careful in the heat.

DEA’s executive director and GP Dr Kate Wylie, said “(Extreme heat) increases the risk of heat-related illnesses and heat strokes – which can kill you rapidly. But it also increases the risk of heart attack, renal failure and exacerbates mental illnesses.”

Dr Wylie said January 26 and 27 are high heat health risk days, as people spend the day in the sun, with a few drinks.

Read about how alcohol and heat impact the body, and what do to reduce the risks in the Sydney Morning Herald, 26 January 2024.

Further reading: our fact sheet on heat and health (PDF)



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